Teen Facials are a Thing. A Good Thing.

If you never struggled with acne as a teen, you as a - very lucky - parent may not be able to advise your teen to clear their skin like a licensed esthetician would. Cristina recommends not waiting until there are signs of early breakouts to educate teens about healthy skin care habits. Start early + teach them daily routines for their current needs. When early signs of breakouts occur, encourage them to wash their face twice daily + if breakouts do present, help get them started on basic anti-acne treatment plans

Almost all of us can remember a time as a teen when we were experiencing skin issues. Blocked pores, acne +breakouts are common during adolescence. We can be stressed with a packed, hectic school life, sports + personal + social commitments. And, that means taking care of our skin often gets overlooked in the long list of things we have to do in a day. Back in the day if you were lucky, you had a parent or family member who was knowledgeable + able to teach you good skin care habits. Today, we have the internet + so much information often teaching ineffective + potentially damaging skin care methods. This is why only trusting your skin to a licensed professional is so important.

Teen facials are uniquely designed to address breakouts that are associated with adolescent + hormonal changes that affect the skin. They involve deep cleansing, gentle extractions + a mask that will help heal + soothe, hydrate or detoxify + control sebum (oil) production. Teen facials can help with persisting skin conditions + prevent them from ever happening by encouraging a healthy microbiome.

Part of any facial is learning proper at-home care + maintaining a tailored skincare routine. It’s the work we do at home that really translates into progress + results. your at home commitment + monthly facials with your esthetician using targeted treatments uniquely curated for your skin is sure to produce incredible, visible, lasting results.

Even if there are no visible skin conditions, age 13 is around the time to start introducing + educating teenagers on how to care for their skin to minimize possible future skin issues. A lifetime of glow starts with the right information + education at a young age. It’s so much easier to prevent than to correct, remember that!


  1. Learning Healthy Skin Care Habits

    The educational factor is a major benefit of receiving regular facials. Performing the facial almost becomes secondary to the education + at-home treatment protocol your esthetician provides you. We don’t just perform the service + move on, we ask for a partnership with you + provide the path for you to learn to care for your skin at home between visits.

  2. Combating Acne Caused by Hormonal Changes

    During our teenage years, acne can be unpredictable + frustrating to treat. Dermatologists often like when patients receive regular facials between visits to assist with acne flares as they arise + combat future issues. Once you + your esthetician have a good acne management treatment plan, you may not even need to visit the dermatologist very often.

  3. The ‘Picking + Popping’

    As many times as you have watched Dr. Pimple Popper + think you’re an expert at popping your own pimples (closed comedones) - do yourself a favor + don’t! Avoid picking at your skin + popping pimples. This can cause hyperpigmentation + permanent scarring. Your esthetician can teach you how to gently + effectively treat acne between visits. Save your skin + leave the extracting to us.

  4. Clean Skin Leads to Reduced Signs of Aging

    Remember what we talked about earlier - that it’s so much easier to prevent than correct! This couldn’t be any more true. While I recognize in our youth we aren’t focused on aging + age prevention but the best thing you can do for your future skin is to care for it early + wear SPF daily. Having good skincare habits + a healthy microbiome from a young age will build the foundation to lasting routines in the future + greatly reduce common signs of aging. A youthful glow is always the goals + protecting your skin + taking care of it from a young age will ensure you keep that glow for years to come!

  5. Enhanced Self-Esteem + Immediate Results

    Targeted acne treatment facials can often show immediate results. Soothing the inflammation + redness + clearing the skin with deep cleansing + extractions + masks. And, visibly seeing your progress is so gratifying. Often when you see how healthy your skin looks, your more apt to adhere to your at-home routine which can only lead to good things. Clearing your skin can boost your confidence + raise your self-esteem - And who doesn’t deserve that!


Buh. Bye. Bags.